Datin Mohana Mohariff

Datin Mohana Mohariff, aged 57, a Malaysian holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering/Computer Science) from Monash University, Melbourne and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Ohio University.
She is a former Top Management at TM. She left TM in Dec 2021, leaving a strong contribution of more than 30 years, in Sales, Leadership & Talent Management and Customer Service Management. Her last role was the Vice President leading Customer Experience Governance, Compliance & Stakeholder Management.
Datin Mohana Mohariff was known as a passionate leader, always full of energy and innovate ideas to make sure customer experience is always the priority and to outperform competitors. To her, customer is always defined as both internal and external customers.
With her hands-on expertise and thought leadership, she was appointed the Chairman of Communication and Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) for the 2019-2021 session. (CFM was initiated by MCMC as the Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum to protect the rights of consumers of the sector).
In Jan 2022, she has been assigned as the Ahli Jawatankuasa ICT & Pendigitalan by Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Melayu Perlis (MAIPs) to share her extensive experience and ideas until Dec 2023.